Friday, December 18, 2009

My Isaac

Lately I've been finding God challenging me to trust Him more in every area of life.  He wants all of us as believers to find our security in His provision more than our own abilities.  I find when I'm in need I turn to God out of necessity, but as soon as He comes through I cling to the provision instead of the provider.  I'm learning to hold things a little more loosely, and He's helping me out by allowing me more opportunities to practice.

Like most people out there, I've worried about employment.  I've worried about finding the right job, getting health insurance, making enough money, utilizing my strengths in the best way possible...even while I've been working I've been worrying.  I felt God moving me to trust in Him to provide, not relying on my human ability to produce a paycheck.  So I said, God, I'm surrendering my job to You.  I trust that if You move me into something new, it is for a good reason, and You know where we're going.  I know I can't see what's next, so I'm trusting You to provide.  I feel You're asking me to lay my job down on the altar, like you did with Abraham and Isaac.

So I laid it down on the altar.  But honestly, I was doing it with the expectation that my story would turn out the same, that God would see my heart and spare my job.  But that's not how it worked.  Today at 5:30 I was informed I am not expected to return to work on Monday.  Ouch.  I felt I was doing a good job and improving in the areas that needed work, so it came as a surprise.

So emotionally right now, I'm overwhelmed, I'm scared, I'm disappointed, and I could use a big hug and a lot of chocolate.  Spiritually, I feel I'm being stretched, far beyond my comfort zone, but I know I'm going to come out stronger.  I know God's teaching me to have more faith and courage.  It's not comfortable to learn these things, but at least I know God is good and He has a plan in all this.

On a more upbeat note- my other Isaac was my living situation.  I'd found a great house with a great roommate, but it looked like we weren't going to be able to get it.  So I laid it down on the altar and said God, I really really want this house and I feel You've provided it for me.  However, if it doesn't work out I'm going to trust that You've got a better place in mind.  Know what happened?  We got it!  We're almost halfway moved in and plan on being all the way in by Sunday!!!!  Yea!

I'm looking forward to spending a week with my family in Minnesota for Christmas.  I hope all of you have a wonderful time with friends and family, remembering all that God's done for you this year, and looking forward to a new year with new lessons and blessings to come!!!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

My attempt to cram the last three months into a nutshell

I moved to Bellingham, Washington in the beginning of September, somewhat on a whim.  I was ready for something new and had been considering Missoula, MT but decided I'd rather be closer to my extended family and experience some new things.  My aunt and uncle have been generous in allowing me to live in their home and share life with them for the last three months.  They've been a huge support and encouragement in my new life here!  I love Bellingham and the hometown feel it maintaints despite its population of about 78,000. 

Banking again
I got a job at a local bank less than two weeks after arriving (praise God!)  It was a surprisingly difficult adjustment for me, many days I just wanted to go home and cry.  However, the Lord's spoke to me through some people and some readings and helped me change my attitude- now I love my job!  Life lesson- most of the time our satisfaction depends less on our situation than our attitude and perspective in that situation.

I've been playing my music a little- I've done a couple small gigs and have found my favorite open mic in town.  I've been writing a little, but hope to be putting more time in soon.  My recording project has kind of been paused for now- hopefully will get back to it soon.  There is no lack of music opportunities here- it seems as though every other person you meet is a musician that would love to jam with you sometime.  Open mics and live music are everywhere!

Budget coaching
A really exciting thing for me here is a program I've become involved with called Love Inc.  It's a Christian non-profit budget counseling/ coaching program.  This session I started out as a "budget coach assistant" and have enjoyed working with a client one on one.  Next session I get to be a budget coach, leading the team!!!  It's cool seeing God utilizing the talents He's given me, the ones I thought were just obsessive compulsive tendencies. 

Coming Up
A few exciting things on the horizon...spending Christmas with my family in Minnesota, moving in with a new roommate at the beginning of the year, and hopefully a quick road trip to visit my dear friends in Montana.

I love you, you're in my thoughts and prayers, and I would love to hear a quick hello from you!

Saturday, September 5, 2009