Saturday, August 13, 2011

Valued in God's Eyes

May I share a heart struggle with you?  I think you’ll be able to relate to my search for identity.  Identity can be perceived many ways; what kind of car you drive, how much money you make, what kind of talents you have, who your friends are.  In the end, it determines your value and affects how people see and treat you.
Unfortunately, we often base our value on how people see or treat us.  It works for a while, but people will fail eventually, leaving our identity a very fluid and vulnerable concept.  Society calls it self-worth and tries to teach us how to feel better based on our merit.  However, I fall short on my own and need something more consistent to base my identity on.  Like God’s unchanging truth.  Check it out:

*  Romans 5:8 says Christ died to make me worthy of His love!

*  Genesis 1:27 says I am made in His image.

* Psalm 139 says I am fearfully and wonderfully made and God had plans for my life before I was even born.

* Ephesians 2 says I was dead in my transgressions but Christ raised me up and I am saved by grace- praise God that I don’t have to earn it!!!

            I hope these truths speak to your heart and encourage you to rely on God more and live in the freedom and confidence of grace.  J