Saturday, January 16, 2010

God Provides Again!!!

Happy New Year!  I hope you all had a wonderful holiday season full of friends and family.  I had a great Christmas in Minnesota with my family.   It was rather chilly, but I was glad to have a white Christmas- it doesn't seem real without the snow.  When I got back to Washington I packed up the last of my stuff and finished moving into my new place.  It's really great having my own place and I LOVE my roommate, Amanda!  It's totally a God thing that we met (thanks Brian ;-)   I also had a wonderful New Years Eve with great company.  All in all, a fantastic couple of weeks!

It didn't start out so great though; I lost my job right before I flew out for Christmas.  It happened the same week I was starting to move into my new place so I was pretty worried about finances.  I gave it to God and asked Him to provide something as soon as possible.  I did my best searching online, picking up applications, and then clung to the peace that comes with knowing God's got it under control.  People expressed concern in the timing of my lay-off and doubt that I would find something new quickly.  God used this time to remind me of how quickly I can lose anything I find security in other than Him, and challenged me to really trust in Him.

I'm very grateful to say that the Lord has provided quickly once again!  I started nannying full time on Monday, January 4th, for a wonderful family.  I help get the kids up and to school in the morning, then do light chores, filing and organizing during the morning.  After lunch I pick them up from school and act as chauffeur, shuttling them around to their gazillion after school activities.  It's probably the most challenging job I've ever had yet it's a great fit and I love it!

I'd love to hear from you about how your holiday season went, what's going on in your life.  If you're struggling with anything, I'd love to come alongside you, support and encourage you, and lift you up in prayer.

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